When automobiles are in motion, they generate a great deal of force and momentum. When a vehicle strikes something, these forces are transferred onto its occupants. Our bodies cannot typically withstand the forces exerted during car crashes. If the other vehicle involved in the crash is a truck, the injuries can be even more severe.
The most dangerous injuries are often internal ones. These injuries can be difficult to diagnose and, if not treated promptly, can lead to various complications, including death. Here, we will describe some of the most common internal injuries and their symptoms.
Brain Injury:
Sudden blows can result in brain injuries, such as bruising and bleeding, which could be fatal. In some cases, this can lead to permanent brain dysfunction. If you’ve been involved in an accident and are experiencing symptoms like headaches, pain, or difficulty concentrating, consult your doctor immediately. Numerous brain injuries can occur during whiplash.
Organ Damage:
The force from a car accident can cause internal injuries, such as bleeding or bruising. During an accident, the liver and kidneys can be particularly vulnerable. An internal organ injury can manifest as abdominal pain, but other symptoms like low blood pressure and back pain may also be present. These types of injuries can be difficult to diagnose. In Florida, you must seek medical treatment within 14 days after the accident; otherwise, you lose your rights to compensation.
Broken Bones:
Approximately 10% of those who sustain a blow to the torso suffer a fractured rib. In a car crash, bones are subjected to tremendous pressure and can’t always withstand the force. Airbag trauma usually causes the most damage to the ribs, though skull and arm fractures are also quite common. Fractures can be extremely dangerous because displaced bones may cause injury to other organs or vessels.
When a rib fractures during an accident, the escaping air becomes trapped in the thoracic cavities, causing pain and a lack of oxygen. Air pressure builds up in the chest, preventing the lungs from expanding, and the organ can collapse. Surgery is required to restore normal body functions.
Internal Hemorrhaging:
A car accident can cause serious damage to blood vessels, leading to internal bleeding due to the excessive force. This condition is often difficult to diagnose. If the damage is too severe, the body cannot repair the damaged vessels.
Symptoms of internal bleeding may appear days after the initial bleeding. The most common symptoms include dizziness and numbness, but they can also involve sudden headaches, abdominal discomfort, blurred vision, and a loss of balance.
This post was written by Kelly-Ann Jenkins of https://www.jenkinslawpl.com/. Kelly-Ann is an insurance claim Lawyer. The information on this site is not intended to and does not offer legal advice, legal recommendations, or legal representation on any matter. Hiring an attorney is an important decision, which should not be based on advertising. You need to consult an attorney for legal advice regarding your situation.
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